
This Day in FAA History: January 19th

Full FAA Chronology at this link.

19680119: FAA Administrator McKee approved the realignment of the functions of the Associate Administrator for Personnel and Training (see October 1, 1965). Under the new organizational structure, the agency established a separate Office of Personnel and a separate Office of Training, as well as a Manpower and Planning Staff and an Executive and Military Personnel Staff. This realignment provided a closer grouping among traditional personnel and training functions and permitted a quicker response to agency needs. The new office became operational on February 1, 1968.
19700119: FAA established the Facility Installation Service under the Associate Administrator for Operations. This service assumed the management of FAA’s facilities establishment program from the Logistics Service. It also assumed from the Systems Research and Development Service the responsibility for preparing procurement specifications for production equipment and for prescribing technical instructions and standards for its installation. The new service’s mission included the facilities establishment programs for air navigation, air traffic control, aeronautical communications, and visual ground marking; however, it did not include facilities establishment for NAS En Route Stage A and the various terminal automation programs. (See December 22, 1967, and October 1, 1971.)
19790119: To reduce airport noise levels nationwide, FAA recommended a two-segment departure profile for jet aircraft of 75,000 pounds or more. Aircraft using the new procedure would climb under full power to 1,000 feet to get up quickly over airport communities, thus minimizing the noise reaching the ground. At that altitude, they reduced their climb angle to pick up speed and permit retraction of flaps and other high-lift devices before continuing to climb to 3,000 feet under reduced power. The new procedure was intended to replace a variety of practices at many airports, under which the power cutback points varied from 450 to 1,500 feet. FAA did not make the procedure mandatory because safety considerations sometimes dictate that pilots employ other departure procedures. (See August 1, 1972.)
19810119: FAA announced that it had begun a program to improve navigational charts used by pilots flying under visual flight rules. The improvements were based on recommendations of an agency working group established in September 1980, and were to be implemented in cooperation with the Inter-Agency Cartographic Committee.
20100119: The engineered material arresting systems (EMAS) at Yeager Airport in Charleston, WVA, successfully stopped a PSA Airlines Bombardier CRJ-200 that overran the runway. This was the sixth save by an EMAS, which consisted of a layer of crushed concrete positioned at the end of runways that slows and stops aircraft in runway overruns. EMAS was developed in a research partnership with the FAA and Engineered Arresting Systems Corp. (ESCO), a division of Zodiac Aerospace. (See July 18, 2008; October 1, 2010.)
20180119: FAA approved Boeing’s 787-10 Dreamliner for commercial use. (See December 2, 2014; August 28, 2020.)
20210119: FAA announced the availability of two Aviation Workforce Development Grant programs aimed at developing and inspiring a more inclusive pool of pilots and aviation maintenance technicians to join the next generation of aviation professionals. The Aircraft Pilots Workforce Development Grants provided money to expand the pilot workforce and educate students to become pilots, aerospace engineers, or unmanned aircraft systems operators. The Aviation Maintenance Technical Workers Workforce Development Grants was designed to prepare aviation maintenance technicians. Applicants from academia and the aviation community could submit applications through March 22, 2021.