Full FAA Chronology at this link.
19621117: Ceremonies marked the opening of Dulles International Airport. Scheduled airline service began two days later. Air carrier operations reached a daily level of 72 by mid-1963, and operations of all types for fiscal 1964 totaled 111,071. (See July 15, 1959.)
19651117: In a flight sponsored by Rockwell-Standard, a Boeing B-707 became the first aircraft to girdle the globe going north to south, covering 26,230 miles in 62 hours 28 minutes. Beginning in Honolulu, the flight flew over the North Pole, made stops at London, Lisbon, and Buenos Aires, flew over the South Pole, and returned to Honolulu by way of Christchurch, New Zealand.
19951117: DOT announced a plan to implement congressionally-mandated reductions in Essential Air Service subsidies in a manner designed to maintain the highest possible level of service to communities eligible under the program, which had been established by the Airline Deregulation Act (see October 24, 1978).
20031117: Effective this date, FAA updated and revised the regulations governing operations of aircraft in fractional ownership programs. The final rule defined fractional ownership programs and their various participants, allocated responsibility and authority for safety of flight operations for purposes of compliance with the regulations, and ensured that fractional ownership program aircraft operations would maintain a high level of safety. These regulations provided a level of safety for fractional ownership programs equivalent to regulations that apply to on-demand operators. (See February 23, 2000.)
20171117: Effective this date, FAA adopted a new noise standard for certain newly certificated subsonic jet airplanes and subsonic transport category large airplanes. The noise standard, known as Stage 5, applied to any person submitting an application for a new airplane type design with a maximum certificated takeoff weight of 121,254 pounds (55,000 kg) or more on or after December 31, 2017; or with maximum certificated takeoff weight of less than 121,254 pounds (55,000 kg) on or after December 31, 2020. As a result of the rule, new large airplane type designs in the subsonic jet airplanes and subsonic transport category will operate at least 7 decibels (dBs) quieter than airplanes in the current fleet. (See January 14, 2016.)
20201117: The US and the UK officially signed a new Open Skies agreement on, ensuring air transport between the nations continues seamlessly in a post-Brexit environment. The accord allowed nonstop passenger flights operated by US and UK airlines from one country to another to continue unimpeded. US all-cargo carriers will also receive additional traffic rights on US-UK routes. Air traffic between the US and the UK had been covered under the US-European Union (EU) Open Skies regime, but the UK’s exit from the EU made a new agreement necessary. Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo signed the agreement on behalf of the US on November 10. British transport minister Grant Shapps signed the agreement on November 17 on behalf of the UK.
20231117: FAA announced it is taking steps to enhance air traffic controller training and safety reporting following the release of the National Airspace System Safety Review Team report. (See November 15, 2023.) Those actions included
20231117: • Providing additional support to colleges and universities in the Air Traffic-Collegiate Training Initiative (AT-CTI) Program. The FAA will work with AT-CTI programs to ensure that graduates from these programs have the necessary skills to begin on-the-job training at a facility. These graduates still must pass the Air Traffic Skills Assessment (ATSA) exam and meet medical and security requirements. Previously, these graduates were required to attend the FAA Air Traffic Controller Academy before being assigned to a facility.
20231117: • Announcing a year-round hiring track for experienced military and private industry controllers.
20231117: • Filling every seat at the FAA Academy and increasing classroom capacity beyond current limits.
20231117: • Expanding the use of advanced training across the country.
20231117: • Finishing deployment of tower simulator systems to 95 facilities by December 2025. The first system will be delivered to Austin by January 2024.
20231117: • Providing reports from the Air Traffic Safety Oversight Service to the FAA Administrator and Aviation Safety Associate Administrator.
This Day in FAA History: November 17th